Red Sea - Sharks Galore
Simon Lorenz

Red Sea aboard the blue of two vessel Blue Fin delivered like no other. Under the guidance of shark expert Elke Bojanovski we headed out to the far offshore reefs Brothers, Elphinstone, Daedalus. And we were not disappointed.
Not only did we have splendid Oceanic White Tip interactions, we also saw hammerheads, reef sharks and several encounters with .... Thresher Sharks!!
Finally we also met this amazingly large Napoleon Wrasse, eating an Octopus! what a moment.

Our next trip will be a little later in the year, with a bit cooler water. This time we will be hosted not only by Elke Bojanovksi but also Dr. Andy Cornish of the World Wildlife Fund. For sharks fans, we will have a lot of learnings.